
Acceptance Speech

Read the text below and do the quiz.

Ladies and gentlemen, thank you so much for this award. I’m really honoured to be here tonight. When I first started writing songs in my bedroom, I never thought that one day I’d be standing up here receiving a prize like this.

I’ve always been a shy person and I used to get really nervous when I had to perform in front of people. But then one day I wrote a song about how I was feeling – it was about my best friend at school who left me and went to live in another country. Suddenly, all my fears and worries just disappeared and I felt great. 

After that, I started writing more and more songs, and I realised that I had a talent for it. If I hadn’t written that first song, I don’t know what I’d be doing now. Maybe I’d be working in an office somewhere or studying at university. Who knows? What I do know is that music has changed my life completely, and I’m so happy that I can share my songs with other people.

I think the most important thing is to believe in yourself and your abilities. There are always going to be people who try to put you down and tell you that you’re not good enough, but you have to ignore them and keep doing what you love. If I’d listened to all the negative comments and given up, I wouldn’t be here today. 

So, I want to dedicate this award to all the young people out there who are trying to follow their dreams. Believe in yourselves, work hard, and never give up, no matter what happens. And finally, I want to say a huge thank you to all my fans. You guys are amazing and I wouldn’t be here without you. Thank you!

Can you tell which sentences are True and which are False?


1. Have you ever faced a situation where you had to overcome your shyness or fears?

2. How do you think music can impact someone’s life in a positive way?

3. What motivates you to pursue your talents and passions, even when faced with challenges?

4. Do you believe that self-belief is crucial for achieving success in any field?

5. How important is it to have a support system of fans, friends, or family when pursuing your dreams?

6. Can you relate to the feeling of finding solace or empowerment through creative expression like songwriting?

7. What advice would you give to someone who is hesitant to share their talents with others?

8. In what ways can sharing personal experiences through art or music inspire others?

9. How do you think recognition and awards can influence an individual’s confidence and career path?

10. Why do you think it’s essential to acknowledge and appreciate the efforts of young people striving towards their goals
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